Kyle had a stretch of several days off of work, so we had to do some traveling! We tried to find someplace that would be warm, but as it turns out, there is nowhere even remotely warm in Europe in February. Instead, we decided to embrace winter by heading to the Swiss Alps. We stayed in an apartment in a very small town in eastern Switzerland on the northern edge of the Alps. It was only a two hour forty minute drive from our house. We rented a great apartment in a new chalet, complete with a fireplace and hot tub. Sounds like the making of a great trip!
The apartment |
We arrived around 3 in the afternoon on our first day. As we were making our way to the apartment, we couldn't believe the road that it was on! The road was very narrow and only one lane as it twisted around hairpin turns up the side of a mountain. At first we wondered if we were driving on a walking path! The road was very steep, so it had containers of grit and snow shovels strategically placed. The further up we drove, the more the snow started to accumulate, making Kyle very happy! We spent the first evening relaxing by the fire and hot tubbing it, while we figured out a plan for the rest of our trip.
Night view from our place |
We were very close to the border of Liechtenstein; the country of only 36,000 people and 62 square miles, which is slightly smaller than Washington DC. We headed there our first full day. On our way, we stopped in the quaint little Swiss town of Walenstadt on the Walensee lake. We walked around and admired the clean little town, and made our way to see the lake. It is absolutely stunning. The sparkling, crystal clear water is surrounded by mountains and vineyards. There were a lot of ducks, loons, and a couple of swans to entertain us there for a while. We love watching birds, and I always kick myself for not bringing along stale bread!
The town of Walenstadt |
Beautiful Walensee |
From there we headed on to Liechtenstein. It is a beautiful country with the Rhine River running through the center of a valley surrounded by mountains. It was a gorgeous drive, and we enjoyed stopping to take pictures of castles looming above the small towns. We crossed the Rhine valley and then the mountain ridge on the other side. As we climbed in elevation, the snow once again started to pile up. We saw a bus of school kids unloading, all wearing snow and ski gear. What a different life than we knew when we were kids!
Liechtenstein |
On the other side of the mountain was a complete winter wonderland. We parked in tiny town called Steg and were ready for lunch. We were heading to a restaurant in an Inn that we had heard about called the Berggasthaus Sücka. We bundled up in the car, then headed up the kilometer long path uphill to the Inn, since you can't get to it by a road! It was a fun and beautiful little hike. The entire time, there was a gentle snowfall. They had about three feet of snow on the ground already! As we made it up to the Inn, you could hear kids playing and tobogganing down the hills. At that point we were cold and hungry, and a pot of bubbly cheese fondu hit the spot perfectly!
Tiny town of Steg |
Hiking up to the Inn for lunch! |
View from the Inn |
Perfect little snowflakes! |
Mmmmm, hot, bubbly cheese! |
After lunch instead of hiking back down to the car, we tobogganed down the toboggan run instead! You borrow one of their old fashioned wooden toboggans, and leave it in a shed at the end. It was both of our first times tobogganing, so it was interesting! We rode down together, with Kyle in the front filming as we went, while I was hanging on to him shouting and being a backseat driver. It's actually quite a bit harder than it looks, but definitely a lot of fun! Kyle got a nice big hunk of snow up his pants leg!

From Liechtenstein, we headed back to Switzerland to Mount Säntis, the highest peak in northeastern Switzerland at 2502 meters above sea level. (On our way there, I got locked in a bathroom. There wasn't even enough space for me to crawl under the door! What fun that was!) Since Säntis is on the northern edge of the Alps, it takes the brunt of the weather from the north. It has it's own micro climate that makes it snow there A TON! As we were climbing in elevation to the base of the mountain, the snow was getting higher and higher, until finally it was higher than our car! It was like driving through a canyon of snow! (Kyle's level of giddiness directly correlated with the height of the snow. If you know Kyle, you know that he's a snow-aholic and this was his dream come true!) The roads were in really good shape until we were about 2 kilometers from the base of Säntis. Our VW Jetta was really put to the test getting up to the parking lot!

Once we were parked, the first thing we had to do was snap some pictures of the snow that was higher than our heads! It was pretty unreal! We actually couldn't see the huge mountain right in front of us because it was still snowing really heavily. We went into a hotel called Berghotel Schwägalp, which is pretty much the info center for the area, since there's not much else there. We had some coffee and Black Forest cake in the restaurant before heading out for our evening hike. In the forest area by the hotel, they have a loop trail that they light by lantern on weekends. The snow was falling gently in big, fluffy flakes, and it was so quiet and peaceful. There was about five feet of snow on the ground, so you're actually walking on packed down snow three or four feet above the ground! Walking along the lantern lit trail during twilight was like finding Narnia. It just seemed surreal. About halfway through was a snow covered hut magically set up with hot orange punch, just in time to warm up our numbing fingers!

At the top of Rigi |
Since we grew up in the flat lands, we haven't had much opportunity for skiing, so we went for the tobogganing and are saving the skiing attempts for less dangerous conditions, preferably where we won't be able to fall off the side of the mountain! However, the tobogganing was pretty intense! The course was just over four kilometers long (about 2 and a half miles) down the side of a mountain. There were a lot of twists, turns, jumps, and steep hills and an edge with nothing to stop you from going over the side of the mountain! (In the States, they definitely would have made you sign a waiver!) It was snowing really hard and pelting you in your face the entire way down, and at some points you just really couldn't see! I did some feet dragging to avoid going off the side, and Kyle went over a big hump in the path and ended up rolling down the hill for a ways! Despite all of that, it was a lot of fun and quite a rush! We rode the train around a bit more, and got off at a small village not far from the peak. It had a hotel with an awesome thermal bath outside, a lot of amazing chalets, and of course, tons of snow! That evening we really made good use of the hot tub to take the chill out of our bones!
In the little chalet village on the mountain |
We spent our last day of winter fun back at Säntis. When Kyle knows that there is someplace near with that much snow, just try and keep him away! The temperature at the base of Säntis was about 17 degrees, and we were heading to the top via cable car, so we were bundled up in many layers. I had on long johns, jeans, snow pants, a t-shirt, a hoody, a down coat, a scarf, a hat, a hood, leg warmers, snow boots and three pairs of socks! I was grateful for every layer at the top! It was frigid with a really strong wind. It took about 10 minutes to reach the peak by cable car. We were lucky and had some sunshine while we were up there. We were above the clouds, and could just see the highest peaks rising above the layer of clouds. It's like we were on top of the world! There was 19 feet of snow at the top, which kind of blows my mind.
Geared up for a winter hike, on about 4-5 feet of packed down snow! |
I spy, a barn roof! |

We definitely found a winter wonderland, and will probably head to Switzerland every winter that we're here. We did learn a few things about the Swiss people while we were there. They're very nice people, but really mean drivers! They tailgate like mad, even up steep, snowy, winding mountain roads. Not cool. They also really know how to live it up in the winter! When we lived in Indianapolis and Maryland, if the weather forecast called for five feet of snow over a week or so, we all know what would happen. First, people run to the grocery store and pick the shelves bare of every last morsel of food. Then everyone would run next door to the Lowes or Home Depot and buy all of the shovels, blowers, flashlights, generators, and all batteries, whether they had anything to put those batteries in or not. Then they would fill their bathtubs with water and watch the news about the weather and tweet about it while huddled under blankets. Not in Switzerland. Five feet of snow? Just another average day for them. It's just a good excuse for them to get outside and have fun! I guess they have to embrace it, or they'd be in for it! Kyle would love to live somewhere that regularly has five feet of snow on the ground. I guess he'll just have to settle for visiting it, which is fine by me!